mardi 23 octobre 2012

Week 4, Justine Florentin: Tacheles

Tacheles, one of the most important alternative art places in Berlin, is closed. It has a long story and has often had a new face. Today is the end for the 22 years-old squat of artists.

During the cold war, this house was in the eastern part of Berlin, and because they hadn’t enough funds to maintain it, they left it empty. In 1989, when the wall fell down, some artists – brought together in a collective – said that this building is important for the city as it was opened in 1909 as a mall occupied by a Jewish family. Then, during the war, it became a Nazi office and it is obvious that nobody wanted to get it back afterwards because of the heavy symbolic burden.
But it is one more empty house in the former eastern Berlin… That is why the city agreed to leave it to the artists: they occupy the place and do something here, and the city doesn’t have to maintain the building. During more than 20 years, artists from all over the world came to Tacheles, painted, exhibited their works, sold paintings or other works of art, organized concerts, etc. It was a live-box for alternative ways of expression, and it became one of the sightseeing points of Berlin.
The problem is that the building is becoming a kind of ruin in the middle of Berlin, and the city cannot pay for it ; the bank in charge of the place requested its demolition, which means the end of this refuge for homeless, anarchist and misunderstood artists.

The Fundus investment company plans to break Tacheles down in order to build a new building of glass with modern flats. After many petitions and demonstrations, the supporters of the squat are less and less… it is obvious that nobody can do anything more for it, capitalism wan.
It may mean that those artists have to find another place in the big empty city and develop their art away. But the building was symbolic. It is maybe a new era in Berlin: the one of economic development for one of the poorest capital in Europe, in spite of its abundance in terms of creativity.

(366 words)


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