mardi 2 octobre 2012

Mc Bess and the Freedom Park

Mc Bess is a french illustrator born in 1984. The most part of his work is inspired from Fleischer studio's old cartoons : curved lines, caracters with big eyes and smiling faces, personification of object, use of black, withe and gradation of grey etc.
His work is also influenced by the rock'n'roll culture. Indeed, Mc Bess is a graphic artist but also a guitarist who has played in a few bands.

In 2011, Mc Bess has been contacted by the Dudes Factory with the aim of particpate in the « Freedom Park » project in Berlin : an exhibition of The Berlin Wall's segments to commemorate the beginning of the wall's construction.
13 international artists has been invited to perform a « live painting » during five days. Basically, the artists belonged to the street art movement.
Due to the success, the exhibition will continue until 2014, that is until the 25th anniversary of The Wall’s construction.

Anne-Lise Salin - Week 1 - 157 words

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