mardi 2 octobre 2012

week 1 - Marine Giraud

Stradivarius in Bordeaux City !

Last week end, in Grand Théâtre of Bordeaux, six stradivarius violins were meeted on stage in tribute to Antonio Stradivari, the most famous stringed-instrument maker in the world actually. 

Violins came from Glinka Museum of Russia, and six russian soloists were here to play Bach, Paganini, Vivaldi and Rossini music extracts. The french violin-player, Matthieu Arama, had test too the stradivarius "Château Fombrauge". 

Those men and instruments were in Bordeaux scope of the international cultural project "Dialogue Stradivarius" started in 2011 in Moscou. The goal is to create an exchange beetween countries and make travel universal artistic heritage. The stradivarius violin of Bernard Magrez collection (a wealthy wine-producer in Bordeaux) were in Moscou thanks to this program. 

One thousand people was in the Opera saturday, experts or novices in classic music, to be at this record evening performance, because six stradivarius in the same concert in the same time is an event !

Sud-Ouest, 01-10-12

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