jeudi 11 octobre 2012


Hello everyone,
I've noticed a few things reading your blogs, notably:

1. Many of you have paid no attention to the grammar rules that I taught last week.  Please look through your class notes and correct the errors directly related to the problems I'd taken class time to teach, I teach these thing for a reason (I hope).  This is for my own piece of mind.

2. Some of you are using your words to give quotations from the texts and long lists of names.  Whilst this information may be important, please take into account that this is writing practice in English and that you're only hurting yourself by cheating.

3.  I've given you liberty to choose your topics and I really love seeing your interests, but please try to make sure that your sources are in English.  This will help you in reading comprehension/writing/oral comprehension.  Seeing as I may not have mentioned this earlier, please take this into account for all future posts.

This criticisms aside, I enjoy reading these blogs and I'm impressed by the work of many of you.  If you are one of the students who feels like they are working more than some of the others, keep it up.  I will take into account the quality of your blog work when calculating your final grade!

Have a great weekend,

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