In fact, in an orchestra there is always been a very important hierarchy, we have the conductor, the first violin, second violin, flute first ...
The idea of the composer Tod Machover to work with the people of the city of Toronto is a fine, it is an example of democracy in classical music, we don't aske often to auditors' opinions or even the population.
Young teenagers must be very excited for this collaboration, as they are with Tod Machover was also a composer. At least they participate part in the construction of a musical work.
Involve the population may permit to the music to regain the public and even a new audience.
This indicates that classical music is not something closed.
However, I do not really understand why Tod Machover wants to transform the orchestra in musicale institution.
Do he wants that everyone can compose music in the same way that everyone can look at a painting ?
In conclusion, we can encourage his desire to democratize classical music.
In my opinion the only risk of this phenomenal project is that artistic project becomes anything, confused, and not organized.
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