lundi 12 novembre 2012

A Gue(ho)st House in Delme (Gwenael P.  // Week 6)

Two French artists Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus have created an original house in Delme (Moselle) in an atypic Art Institut.  The name of the creation –which is in fact a sculpture built with blocks of polystirene- Gue(ho)st House is a portmanteau word: Guest+Ghost= Gue(ho)st. And a reference to Marcel Duchamp’s sentence: “A Guest+A Host=A Ghost”

Guest because the artists conceived a lot of reception area in art instituts; and Ghost because it reminds the old functions of the house which was a prison and a funeral house. According to the artists, it’s a way “not to be afraid of ghost”. The building is draped in a veil of white high-density polystyrene that appears to be dripping into the surrounding landscape.

The Gue(ho)st House tends to welcome resident artists and be a reception space for visitors in a funny way. 

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