lundi 3 décembre 2012

Océane Doucet week end 10

The Lieu Unique (LU) : national center for contemporary arts.

The LU is a cultural center in Nantes.
In this place there are a theater, a hall for concerts and exibitions, a bar, a restaurant, an hammam, a nursery and a bookshop. Today it is a national scene.
The theater was created in 2000. It it is installed in the in the old building of the LU biscuit factory. The theater keeps the same initials.
If the factory has not been destroyed it is thanks to Jean Blaise director of CRDC. The mayor of Nantes, - present Prime Minister -  Jean-Marc Ayrault, decided to trust him and the city bought the place.
The place offers a great importance for the art research and for moderns creations.
It is an artistic laboratory.
May be we can say that this place is an art factory. Finally, the building has not really lost its first use !

To come to the LU  the single condition is to be curious, because here all cultures, all audiences, all arts are welcome !

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