lundi 3 décembre 2012

Happy X-Mas! G.Prud'homme Week 9

The City of Brussels tries to celebrate Christmas in an original way, as underlined by its last initiative: a Christmas Tree relooked.

In fact, the city decided to refresh the image of Christmas through its symbol, such as the name of the Christmas event ("Winter's Pleasure" banning the name Christmas of the mantra) or the tree. Named the X-Mas Tree, the tree is in fact an elecrtonic tree in steel which is enlighted during the night. It was designed by the French architectur agence, 1024.

The debat was rough, not concerning the artistic way but the religious symbol. For some inhabitants, this initiative is unacceptable regarding to the lost of Roman Catholic traditions. The Christmas Tree focuses the racists comments against the Islamic or alien population.

As we say in French: "ça sent le sapin".

More informations:

Océane Doucet week end 10

The Lieu Unique (LU) : national center for contemporary arts.

The LU is a cultural center in Nantes.
In this place there are a theater, a hall for concerts and exibitions, a bar, a restaurant, an hammam, a nursery and a bookshop. Today it is a national scene.
The theater was created in 2000. It it is installed in the in the old building of the LU biscuit factory. The theater keeps the same initials.
If the factory has not been destroyed it is thanks to Jean Blaise director of CRDC. The mayor of Nantes, - present Prime Minister -  Jean-Marc Ayrault, decided to trust him and the city bought the place.
The place offers a great importance for the art research and for moderns creations.
It is an artistic laboratory.
May be we can say that this place is an art factory. Finally, the building has not really lost its first use !

To come to the LU  the single condition is to be curious, because here all cultures, all audiences, all arts are welcome !

Exposé Colombe

- I’m innocent/ Adel Abdessemed.
Particular vision of the history and story of contemporary societies.
Main idea: Power.
Objects destroyed. Conflicts between human. Religion/ war .
Question of the memory.

dimanche 2 décembre 2012

Twenty six gasoline stations - Ed Ruscha
Annaïck Guena

Twenty six gasoline stations is a photographic book of Edward Ruscha made between 1962 and 1963, on the road between Los Angeles and Oklahoma City. 

To begin, I will talk about Ed Ruscha, his artistic education and the beginning of his artistic career.
In a second point, I’ll explain more precisely what this photographic book Twenty six gasoline stations is.
To conclude, I’ll present other images of the urban trip of Ed Ruscha, in LA.

1. Ed Ruscha was borned in 1937 in Nebraska. His family moved to Oklahoma in 1941. In 1956, he was received at the Chouinard Art Institute where he learned painting and photography. This artistic education had been decisive for his work and his vision of art. He considered that the idea and the concept were more important than the quality of the image. The photography was a step of reflexion on his creation.
He made his first photos during a trip in Europe at the end of 50s. He came back in Los Angeles in 1961. LA became the main subject of his work.

2. In 1962, Ed Ruscha made a photographic series of twenty six gasoline stations on the route 66 highway which connects LA to Oklahoma city. He constitued an inventory, a catalog of abandonned gas stations. Like a journalist or a video reporter, he wanted to be objective and expressionless. 
Ed Ruscha wanted to show the banality of this architectural standard and was only interested by the structural aspect of these elements.
The space of these images is empty and there is no life. This dramatic and unfeeling aesthetic is a characteristic of his photographic work.

3. Twenty six gasoline stations was his first photographic book. In 60s, Ed Ruscha produced other images of the architecture and the urban environment of LA. With the same process of series, he registred parking lots, buildings, swimming pools or palm trees. All these inventories are real contact sheets. 
Ed Ruscha used the same techniques as in the cinema. For Thirty four parking lots he made aerial photos, and he used the travelling for his photos of the sunset strip.
All these images, taken on the road feeling, seem to non professional photos but are real road movies.

Twenty six gasoline stations was the start point of the Ed Ruscha's work. These photos are characteristic of his dramatic and unfeeling aesthetic. He showed the banality of urban life, urban environment. 
All his photographic work is a catalog of architectural standards. This typical LA artist produced typical images of LA. His work is a real road trip in the city.

samedi 1 décembre 2012

Justine Barbe
Week 9

Behind the scenes with the Hobbit

The famous director of The Lord of the rings’ trilogy, Peter Jackson, created also The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey. This movie will be distributed in December in cinemas.
The workshop which made the movie’s accessories, Weta, opened its doors for an interview.

A young intern had his first experience with The Hobbit. It was a formidable opportunity to work for this project.
The intern was rewarded for his tools by the Weta Workshop Creativity Award. It had been the first time that an intern won this award.
So, he started well his career. It isn’t habitual for a young worker to participate at a blockbuster’s creation.

112 words.